I've Got it Rough

I am a proud Kentuckian.  I love finding a new jewel to return to later.  When both of those things come together, I am one happy camper.

This weekend wasn't exactly planned out, wasn't spur of the moment decisions either, but Saturday was spent grocery shopping and yard mowing.  Sunday we forced the grumbling, irritated teenagers out of bed, grabbed towels, blankets, and a cooler and headed out the door.  Our destination?  Rough River Lake.

Usually Rowan is all about the water, all the time.  She wasn't too interested this time around.  She would go in and come right back out.

It was all about building sand castles for her.  Or more to the point, it was all about digging.  Dig, dig, dig.

We ate a picnic lunch and took our time driving around checking out the campgrounds and lodge for future reference.

We took a side trip to Falls of Rough, Ky., the "town proper".  It's unincorporated and doesn't have much, but I'm a lover of all things history.  I've done a brief internet search and it seems many of the buildings burned down a few years ago.  I love these old buildings.  The tales they could tell if those walls could speak.  I hate to see them in such bad shape, but their deterioration makes them beautiful.


  1. I'm with you on the love of history. This looks like the perfect trip! Sand + picnic lunch + a bit of history = heaven to me! :-) Just today, I wrote about what our options are for a summer trip (although sand isn't a "must" on the trip; we'll hit up a beach at a separate time).


    1. We've got to head to a zoo at some point this summer!

  2. I love your pictures. That river looks gorgeous! Who WOULDN'T want to play in that?

    1. We hadn't been before, but will definitely be going back!

  3. Replies
    1. It actually was! I had expected more grumbling from the peanut gallery, but they were all agreeable! ;)
