Currently | Christmas

Currently | Christmas

Doing | Christmas stuffs mostly. At this exact moment, I am sitting in my recliner, braless and in my pajamas since I woke up this morning, watching football and scrolling through Tumblr. Listening | …
When the Universe Speaks

When the Universe Speaks

Sometimes you find the Universe speaking to you. Yesterday I did not hear it at first. All I could hear was anger and, honestly, a bit of embarrassment as well. Here we are, just before Christmas. I…
Currently | December 17th

Currently | December 17th

Doing | I have had this blog since 2007. I posted quite a lot of content in the last ten years. Ten years is a very long time when you are talking about a blog, I suppose. I've lost my spark. I&#…
Currently | October 1st

Currently | October 1st

Doing | I haven't been volunteering as much this year due to having an actual paying job. This past week though I was able to volunteer for most of the week in the library for the Fall Book Fair.
Currently | September 3rd

Currently | September 3rd

Surrendering | I've been trying NOT to surrender to my anxiety and worry. Oh to be able to not have my brain keep me awake at night just constantly running about what I did, what I didn't do,…


Our bodies betray us. Our minds stay young, but the rest of us continues on the aging roller coaster not even considering slowing down. You don't even realize it until one day there you are look…
Yaya, Maybe Oma

Yaya, Maybe Oma

I can finally say that I'm going to be a grandmother in February! It's a bit earlier than what any of us may have anticipated, but the Universe works in mysterious ways. On Saturday, I hoste…
Pause Button is Sometimes Stuck

Pause Button is Sometimes Stuck

Ok so when was the last time I wrote a post? Ah, yes. July. About a million and three things have happened since then. I should start by saying that my friend has inspired me to try harder at this b…
Sunday Lately | July 2nd

Sunday Lately | July 2nd

When this post publishes, I will be on my way to soaking up the sun in south Florida! Here is what I have been doing this week before leaving.
Caterpillars Have Scratchy Feet

Caterpillars Have Scratchy Feet

On Tuesday, Rowan had her first ever allergist appointment. The appointment was made months ago by her regular doctor because apparently it takes months to get your first visit. She was pretty nervo…
In Bloom

In Bloom

Our little garden didn't do much in the way of an actual garden last year. Despite my best efforts, nothing grew. This year I decided I wanted to turn that little spot into a butterfly and bee f…
Sunday Lately | June 25th

Sunday Lately | June 25th

Here is what I have been doing this week!
Summatime and the Livin' is Easy

Summatime and the Livin' is Easy

So in my last update, which was an absurdly long time ago, I talked about how excited I was to have finally gone back to work after about 12 years of being a homemaker. I very much enjoyed my time b…
Currently | April 30th

Currently | April 30th

Hello! How can this possibly be the last day of APRIL!?! How could I have missed so many updates?! Well... I actually went back to a real job! I quit my last job in 2005 to become a homemaker and rai…
Sunday Lately | February 19th

Sunday Lately | February 19th

Here is what I've been enjoying, hoping, forgiving, delving, and relying on this week!
Sunday Lately | February 12th

Sunday Lately | February 12th

One Skillet Meal

One Skillet Meal

I am all about a meal that is simple and uses the least amount of dishes. I am also a big fan of finding new recipes on Pinterest. Of all the things the internet is good for, sharing food and experie…
Currently | February 5th

Currently | February 5th

Whoa. This week FLEW right past me! I'm pretty sure I lost it somewhere between a tissue and a nap.


Imbolc is a celebration of the coming Spring. We are halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Almost there! For the Northern hemisphere, this is celebrated on February 1st/2nd.
100 Days of School | FREE Download

100 Days of School | FREE Download

Today is the 100th day of school here. When my older kids were in elementary school, they celebrated the 100th day, but they never wanted shirts. I think we did a few cereal necklaces with Fruit Loo…
Currently | January 29th

Currently | January 29th

I have been missing in action for awhile. I had a very bad anxiety attack. I've been fairly free of serious attacks/depression for the last six years. It wasn't fun, but I'm back now and …
Currently | January 8th

Currently | January 8th

I kind of have a soft spot for my Currently posts. A little way to catch up, but sometimes the themes need to be changed up a little bit! So I'm going to integrate a little Sunday Lately themes …
Snow Day

Snow Day

I don't recall having many snow days as a child. We just don't get that much snow here in Kentucky. At least, we didn't use to have more than a few inches per year. The most I can rememb…


Don't worry about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. -Charles Schulz  This has always been one of my favorite sayings/quotes. I've seen it attributed to Charles …
Currently | January 1st

Currently | January 1st

This is what I am currently: Doing | I'm trying to get the house prepared for heading back to work/school. Lots of laundry going on around here. Thinking | I am entirely consumed with doing too mu…