

Strange title, no? I strongly dislike celery.  It's stringy.  It doesn't really taste good unless you smother it with peanut butter.  Or you chop it up and put it in beef stew. But this post i…
Currently {march twenty seventh}

Currently {march twenty seventh}

I'm going to mix it up around here this week.  'Cause I'm just c-r-a-z-y like that. Ok, not really. This week I thought I'd share what I've been reading and watching.  I FINALLY fou…
Basketball and Needles

Basketball and Needles

Knitting needles.  Not needle needles because ack, who likes those?! I just realized that I haven't been around for almost two weeks.  I fear it's just a sign of the times. Springtime ! We'…
Currently {march thirteenth}

Currently {march thirteenth}

This week I've been... Hoping for warmer weather and we got it.  BUT... I also got attacked by allergies.  Itchy, sneezy, allergies. Ack. Wondering if Mother Nature has developed bipolar disorder. …


Running a little behind again.  I'm gonna blame it on that darn Daylight Saving Time crap and the lack of warm weather. *a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014* Rowan's hair…
Currently {march seventh}

Currently {march seventh}

this week's themes declaring, saving, demolishing, sniffing, despising Declaring all out war on the mounds of laundry strewn about the house.  Last weekend, my husband and father moved our washer a…
ACHOO! *sniff* *cough* *wheeze*

ACHOO! *sniff* *cough* *wheeze*

We have been doggy sitting my in-laws three dogs for a few days.  My father-in-law had to have surgery to remove a spot of cancer from one of his lungs last week.  Not to worry, the docs say that it …
DIY Four Leaf Pillow Cover

DIY Four Leaf Pillow Cover

I first ran across this pattern last year at GoToSew.com .  I hadn't used it though.  It sat quietly in the far reaches of my Documents folder.  Until I had to look at my sofa for a few days with …


*a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014* Nap time doesn't come easily much anymore, but occasionally she lays down all on her own.