Project 52 is Officially...

Project 52 is Officially...

a bust.  I did a horrible job of even attempting half of what was on my list.  But let's just focus on the positive, shall we? Successful ventures: Plant a garden.  It was a tiny little thing. Radi…
Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary and Garlic

Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary and Garlic

I hadn't intended to do a recipe/food post about this meal.  Honestly, I don't have much time to think about anything right now.  Busy, busy, busy around here.  I barely managed a photo and i…
People are Stupid

People are Stupid

Or how my mother and youngest daughter kept me from knocking some heads together. M'kay so today was the annual Christmas parade in our town.   NOT my hometown.  I've never attended a Christmas…
And Now It's the End of November

And Now It's the End of November

I haven't written a blog post in a week.  And before that was another week. And so on and so forth... I just haven't been feeling it.  I've hit the blogging speed bump.  I'll try to d…
Day 9 of No Poo

Day 9 of No Poo

I took this photo on Monday, day 9 of my no poo challenge. The most significant thing to make note of is that I had not washed my hair in 6 days in this photo (I did shower though!). If I had still …
Day 3, Wash 2

Day 3, Wash 2

Yesterday was Day 3 of my self imposed No Poo challenge! I only waited one day before doing a second "wash".  I probably could have waited longer.  My hair hadn't become oily or dirty l…
Going No Poo

Going No Poo

When I first saw someone mention they were no poo, I wondered how in the world they went without taking a crap.  Then I realized they meant no SHAM POO .   =) First reaction was ewwwww. I have A LOT of …
Making Good

Making Good

I've made good on my word to myself to put more effort into my life.  In doing so I haven't been as involved in the internet these past few days (weeks!), but I'm working on trying to fit…
Farm Livin'

Farm Livin'

One of the local farmer's markets sponsors Farm Days every third Thursday of the month.  We get to visit different local farms, see their animals, sample some local meat and produce, and generall…
Nurture Your Photography

Nurture Your Photography

I love a good photo challenge.  Even though my photo a day skills aren't stellar... Back in the Summer of 2011 and again in the Fall , I did photo challenges hosted by Alicia of Project Alicia and…
Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round

I realized this weekend that I really need to get out of this house.  I spend entirely too much time in these four walls.  The weather has become absolutely beautiful here.  Shades of Autumn have arr…
Ewww!!  Bugs!!!

Ewww!! Bugs!!!

I have never been a fan of bugs, insects, creepy crawlies, or anything with more than four legs.  Creepy looking, scratchy legs... *shiver* That being said, my Dad has no problem with them.  So when …


What I imagine is going through her head here:  " I've got my stick and my rock.  Oh this driveway is so interesting.  Oooo... what's that?" If we don't get some kind of fence up …
Blue Moon Hijinks

Blue Moon Hijinks

"Blue moon of Kentucky, keep on shining Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue..." - Bill Monroe " Blue Moon of Kentucky " August 31st there was a second Full Moon in the mo…


I don't know what it has been about the month of August.  Maybe it was the kids returning to school.  Maybe it was all the books I've been reading.  Lots of libraries in Kentucky have begun l…


As in finished!!  I was going to put elastic around the waist (and I might still), but it was so cute on her the way it was that I called it done!  Better pictures to follow!


I need a walking foot for my machine. Knit is not fun. Today's sewing progress:
The Right Place, The Wrong Time

The Right Place, The Wrong Time

That's how I've been feeling lately except it's more of...  right time, wrong place. This is the right time for me to actually write a blog post, but my head is in the wrong place . Lately …
Air Conditioners and Frozen Balls

Air Conditioners and Frozen Balls

I have returned!!  Against my better judgement too. Our weekend trip to the beach was not long enough.  I didn't take nearly enough photos.  I was scared to take the big camera to the beach for fe…
Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy

Oy!  I've really been avoiding my computer lately!  I place part of the blame on my iPad and Blogger.  I might just blog more if they had a decent Blogger app for the iPad.  Hint, hint Blogger pe…
Natural + Organic = HOT DOG!

Natural + Organic = HOT DOG!

I know what you are thinking.  The same thing I was thinking when I was contacted about giving Applegate Farms hot dogs a try.  I was skeptical. Like most people, we enjoy grilling.  Burgers and  bra…
The Big ONE

The Big ONE

I have no idea how 365 days have traveled past me so quickly.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I was announcing my pregnancy .  Even though that was way, way back in November of 2010.  Can it p…