Bubble Butt

I haven't done much sewing since last year.  I didn't realize just how much the youngest has grown in that year until she tried to wear a little dress I'd made that was no longer a dress, but long shirt instead.  I had finished my last knitting project and after spending hours (yes, really... hours) trying to decide on a new project, nothing jumped out at me.  The sewing machine was calling instead.

I was a little worried before I began this pattern, Bubble Shorts from PeekABoo Pattern Shop.  According to her measurements, I should have made the 12 month size, but I just couldn't make myself do that.  I know she is skinny, but she's almost three!  I'm glad that I went with the 3T size.  The elastic waistband in the back was easy enough to adjust.  As well as the cuffs on the legs.  And these are the reasons why making your child's clothing is awesome! Adjust-ability.

She does not like any undies or pants to touch her belly button.  She will fuss and fuss until she's moved it just below it.

I made these shorts from cutting the fabric to finished product in only one day.  Which is good timing for me given all the breaks in the day I took for toddler snacks, potty times, reading times, general toddler break downs over things like pants touching belly buttons....

They are really cute and sew up quickly so I foresee more bubble shorts in our future.


  1. Those are super cute. I really need to develop some sewing skills. I'd love to be able to sew my own stuff, even if I only did it once in awhile.

    1. I have only attempted to make one thing for myself. It turned out ok, but I really enjoy making things for the kids. They look cuter in their stuff! :)

  2. That last pic...gah...all the cute!
