Currently {february twenty seventh}

this week's themes:
liking, thinking, planting, blooming, pinning

Liking the new book I'm reading.  Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.  I tend to drift toward the young adult side of reading.  I don't like romance, not big on mystery.  So I read the books that take me to some created world outside of the "norm".  Though I did recently finish up reading the second book in the All Souls Trilogy (Shadow of Night).  I'm looking forward to the next book, coming in July.

Thinking that our youngest child is definitely unique.  Her favorite movie?  Poltergeist.  No, I'm not kidding. It used to be Brave, but after we watched Poltergeist once, she started going for it every time she wanted to watch something.  Other movies on a regular loop include Insidious, The Ring, and The Grudge.  And no, I swear I'm totally serious about this.  She isn't scared by them either.

We haven't started planting anything here yet because it's still much too cold outside.  However, I have planned out what the garden will look like.  Back in May I had this bright idea to make a raised garden bed using this idea.  It did not work for us.  Nothing grew.  Well, one green bean tried to grow, but gave out after reaching a few inches tall.  I'm hoping this year to go all in and buy a tiller and just go big on a garden right in the yard.

Nothing is blooming yet either.  I think I may have seen some daffodils attempting to poke through the ground along the side of our road, but nothing has reached the point of bloom yet.  I'll definitely be glad when it does!

I've been pinning several knitting related pins recently and a few home decorating ideas.  I have three knitting projects going right now.  I probably need to finish a couple of those before I go finding new ideas through Pinterest.

next week's themes:
declaring, saving, demolishing, sniffing, despising

Currently prompts hosted by Lindsay of Ot & Et and Randalin of Harvesting Kale.


  1. I predict one or both of my kids will be liking along the lines of your little one in a few years. ESP, ghosts, and vampires were my big time jam in junior high. So, your story of a raised bed makes me so nervous. I'm going straight into our yard this year but the risk/reward on gardening is a little unnerving to me, that all the work could lead to zilch. It's not like most undertakings. Good luck with your tilling/sowing/growing! If this stupid winter would just thaw al-freakin-ready!

    1. I'm not sure what went wrong with our bed, but I'm leaning toward multiple factors. Ha! I think it may have been the soil we purchased and where we placed it. Good luck to your garden too!

  2. I like young adult books to. I often wonder if I was crazy reading those books when I'm almost 40 years old. Sometimes it's the only way to run away, is through a book. My oldest son loves those kind of movies, me I like the classic black and white ones. Good luck on your garden!

    1. I always feel like other adults are looking at me strangely when I'm in the kids section of the library, but I think more adults our age actually read these book than they let on!

  3. Ha, I have the biggest problem with finishing projects before pinning more. I feel you there!

  4. I read mainly YA books too! They are just fun reads.

    1. They are! And I think that's the draw. They usually aren't too serious (except for those Hunger Games...) and it's a great way to escape the every day.

  5. I think most of us pin projects faster than we can actually do them… my crafty boards are full of pins that will probably never get done, haha.

    1. Word. Haha! I think we should all make this the year of finished Pinterest projects!

    2. My back deck container garden in Bshear only grew when we moved up here, haha! I'm going to start my garden at the farmhouse slowly. Tomatoes, corn, green beans, maybe a few peppers. I'd do watermelon but June Carter eats them off the vine. :) I'm really excited to plant my herbs, too!

    3. I'm going to turn the failed garden container in to a butterfly/bee garden! It'll be great for flowers and a little bird bath (well, the top of a bird bath anyway!). Gotta help the bees!

  6. Replies
    1. It was the second movie, that creepy old guy, that scared the bejesus out of me! I think I read somewhere that they are remaking it? Some movies should just be left to be a work all their own. BUT... I'm still a little excited.
