Currently {february twentieth}

I haven't done a Currently post since last October!  I knew it had been a while, but my how time has flown!

this week's themes:
snapping, stopping, spending, starting, skipping

Snapping... I had something else written here, but then this morning (Thursday), something else snapped.  My brain.  In reference to the next paragraph, I had some dental work done.  They did a little cosmetic fixing on my front teeth.  I snapped off some of that cosmetic stuff this morning while I was... biting my damn nails!!!  I had stopped biting them for so long and then bam I looked down one day and I'd bitten them all off.  It's as addicting as those soft drinks in the next prompt.  *sigh*

Stopping the soft drinks.  Like going cold turkey.  You see, several years ago I had a cavity.  In one of my front teeth.  My old dentist filled it, but apparently didn't do a good job of it.  Fast forward to last week when I had to visit a new dentist (because my dentist of more than 10 years won't accept my new insurance) and they informed me that the cavity was coming back and they could make it look better if I'd like them too.  Then she said, "You drink a lot of sodas, don't you?"  "Not anymore", I said.  After having my entire face from the bottom of my eyelids to below my chin be numb for hours, I will not be drinking any more of that deliciousness affectionately known as coke (no matter the brand).

Spending time waiting on the weather.  I have a project just waiting to get done and I need to paint some of it.  It's just been too wet, windy, and cold!  After all this cold and snow, tonight we are expecting severe weather in the form of thunderstorms and possible tornadoes.

Starting to have "Mom moments".  Monday evening I took my oldest to the high school to sign off on the electives he had chosen for next year.  His first year of high school.  I can't believe that he is nearly old enough for this.  I am wholly unprepared.

Skipping all things soda.  I've tried to give them up before.  They really are so bad for you!  But they are also so very addicting!  However, over the years, drinking sugar soft drinks have taken their toll on my teeth.  There are definite advantages to finding a new dentist.  One who tells you exactly what is going on with yourself and doesn't just clean your teeth and send you out the door.  It's amazing how easy something is to do with the right incentive to do so.

next week's themes:
liking, thinking, planting, blooming, pinning


  1. Soda is the hardest for me to walk away from. Ugh. I basically eat 99% organic and then come 2pm each day the idea of saying no to a coke zero becomes impossible. I tell myself, "this is my addiction, if you have to have one let it be soda at least," but I'd love to just go cold turkey. Good luck to you and your clean teeth with this! Have you considered a soda stream? Not to get all obsessive about your soda situation, haha, but I've thought of doing soda stream with juice to see if that doesn't fit the bill. But those things are costy and I'm afraid that it's not the bubbles, but the magic drug stuff they put in coke zero specifically and that i'll end up back on the coke-sauce anyways... ps. I can't even imagine my kids in high school, that must feel so crazy. proud and weird and crazy?

    1. I've thought about the soda stream too! But I agree that I think it's the drugs they put in them instead of the bubbles.

      I can't for the life of me figure out how we got to the point in our lives where we are about to have a high school student. I swear he was just starting kindergarten a few days ago!

  2. Good luck with the giving up. And as the mother of a 19 year old who as far as I'm concerned was my new baby just last week I do get the unpreparedness. It continues...

    1. Every time a milestone comes along, I say the same thing. How did we get here?! I figure it is a never ending battle we mothers must endure.

  3. I am hopelessly addicted to soda (Mountain Dew, not even something I can remotely pass off as "not bad" for me) as well. I stopped drinking all things soda cold turkey in 2003 for over a year when I had to pay for a root canal out of pocket due to the lovely fizzy stuff. I drank one again because it was inconvenient not to (I'm guessing came with a meal or I was at a birthday party or something) and it was like I never stopped.

    Now I know myself better than to think I can stop cold turkey so I try to drink twice as much water as I do pop every day. Just started last week so I'm not sure how well it's working, but at least I'm staying better hydrated and drinking more water this way LOL

    Good luck to you!!

    1. I think I have to take an all or nothing stance. I've tried to stop drinking them before, but as soon as I have just one... MUST DRINK ALL THE COKE! I have such a hard time drinking large amounts of water though so I'm alternating glasses of water with tea. Lightly sweetened. Still bad, but not AS bad as soft drinks.

  4. I know I need to give up soda. I just don't wanna. Until I spend hundreds of dollars on some upcoming dental work. Then I'll kick the habit forever.

    1. That's what helped sway my decision. This dentist told me that I had quite a lot of decalcification and it was likely due to all those sugary soft drinks. :( If my previous dentist had been more upfront, I may have quit years ago.

  5. It might be hard, but once you stop drinking soda, you'll wonder why you ever did it so much in the first place. We hardly ever drink it, but when I do now, I just think it's so sweet! Blech.
