
Second week into this project.  I know there aren't exactly any rules to this.  Just photos of your children once a week for a year.  As I tried to catch them in a candid moment, I realized they aren't as photogenic as they used to be.  I'm still going to include them on occasion.  If I'm able to find a moment when I can capture them.  This will most likely take place when the weather turns warm again and days are spent outside enjoying nature.  Right now, most time at home is spent snuggled up with a blanket in their room.

Now with all that being said.... 

Obviously he didn't want his picture taken.

She does wake up occasionally.  She really loves those crazy neon colors that I was really hoping wouldn't make a come back, but did anyway.  Glad it's her room.

Ketchup face!  More ketchup is eaten than french fries are eaten.  It's considered a vegetable, right? 

I clearly need to find more time for photos.  Better locations and probably more willing subjects.  Bring on the warmer weather please!

Another week of the 52 Project.


  1. Normal everyday photos at their finest. Love them!

    1. Ha! Yes, unfortunately this is them everyday! I miss when they were younger and were interested in playing games with me instead of being on the internet!

  2. Tell Kaia & Neil they better up their A-game...Ro is being a scene-stealer every week with those cutie-pie looks she's giving ;)

    1. Side effect of compulsive picture taking since birth... always smiles when there is a camera around. It's hard to get a good candid shot of her! But I really wouldn't change it for anything!
