Hawaiian BBQ Chicken

The crazy cold weather is no secret to most of the nation.  We are experiencing colder weather than we have had in 20 years here in Kentucky.  I didn't take all this frigid cold into consideration when I made up the meal plan for this week.  Instead I just focused on what nights we would be out late for ball games.  That meant that Monday and Tuesday would be slow cooker nights.

Kind of ironic that on a day when the high temperature was only forecast to be 4F (with a wind chill of -20F), that I had planned to cook HAWAIIAN BBQ CHICKEN.

All day I'm looking out the frosty windows.  And smelling some Hawaiian cooking BBQ chicken in my kitchen.  

It smelled DELICIOUS! 

From original site(found through Pinterest, of course!)--
4-6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
a bottle of Hawaiian style BBQ sauce
a can of pineapple chunks

Make:  Place the chicken in crock, then cover with sauce and pineapples.  Cook on low 4-6 hours.  Shred chicken in the crock and serve over rice.

What I did:  I already had some drumsticks in the freezer so I used them to save a little money.  The original recipe site uses BBQ sauce purchased from Target (Archer Farms Hawaiian style BBQ sauce).  For me, going to Target requires driving 35 miles out of my way so I checked at the place I was at (Wal-Mart).  No Hawaiian style sauce.  Dilemma.  I chose honey BBQ sauce and added in the 100% juice from the pineapple chunks!  I also opted to cook mine in a 9 x 13 baking dish simply because the added warmth from the oven was welcome in this cold!

I'm not usually a fan of sweet entrees.  I like my meat savory.  But this chicken?  It's so yummy!  We served ours with whole grain rotini.  Mainly because my husband turns his nose up at any kind of rice other than saffron.  I think it would be great no matter what it's served with!


  1. Reminds me of that Hawaiian Christmas carol...and the scene where Clark Griswold is staring out his wintry window but seeing his pool...

    Ps- my autocorrect changed Clark Griswold

  2. (Cut me off!)

    ...to Clark Griswold'ing, haha! Must've been something I wrote often this holiday season. Can't imagine why... (The meltdown scene, haha!)

    1. Haha! Yes, we do a lot of Clark Griswold'ing around these parts, don't we?! We totally need to buy that huge station wagon for sale in BG that looks like theirs (complete with a front license plate that says GRISWOLD) and then go on a vacation! :)
