The Big Three

My sweet baby girl turned three years old!  She has such a personality.  Every day with her is an adventure.  You would think because I gave birth to her that I would know to get prepared for a birthday.  Somehow though, it completely bum rushed me.  All of a sudden it was the end of June and her birthday was looming over me.  AAAHHHHHH!!!  Quick to the Pinterest!

She loves her some My Little Pony so I tried to coordinate what I could without going too overboard.

Everything came together pretty easily.  To make Ro her own hat, I just loaded one of the colored hats into my PSE and erased the dots.  I used graphics from the standees to add ponies to it.  Cut them all out and hot glued the tab.  I made some pompoms from some stash yarn I had.  Used a hole punch to make a place for strings to hold them on.  I used elastic for the little one so it would stay on.  Done!

I printed and cut out the standees, but we ended up not using them because it was just too windy.  They were quite the pain to cut out, but at a cost of FREE, they were really cute.  For the cupcake toppers, I resized the round Pony image to fit a hole punch I have, then manipulated the image for the reverse side to add Rowan's name and the number 3.  Punching out these suckers was probably the hardest thing because I don't use the punch often and it kept getting stuck.  The masks are super easy too.  Just print and cut.  The eyes are a little tricky though.

 I didn't think I would be able to get that hat off of her head, but once she saw presents and cupcakes, she didn't care a thing about a party hat.

 Moms with more than one kid will understand the turmoils of getting a group photo where everyone is looking at you and/or smiling like normal people.  Because we've never claimed to be normal... this will do.

Too windy for standees means also too windy for candle lighting.  Her daddy tried his hardest, but it was a no go.  Again... no cares were given.  She just wanted to eat the damn thing.

The one thing I had prepared for was this present.  I knew months ago that I wanted to get her a big girl bicycle for her birthday.  Her big sister rides a bike all the time and she always cries to go with her.  Now she can!  Of course, we ended up having to take this particular bike back to good ol' Walmart because 1) we realized the front wheel was slightly bent and 2) the bearings had gone out in it and it was so difficult to pedal!  If things had gone smoothly, it wouldn't have been right.

Printable masks - Etsy - $4
Party hats - Printable Party Decor - FREE (pompom tutorial here)
My Little Pony standees - DeviantArt - FREE
Cupcake toppers - Creative Printables - FREE
Table cloth, plates, pennant banner - $0.97 each at Walmart or maybe $1.97


  1. Awesome job, Mama! Looks like a great, festive time! I hope ours comes off half as well. ;-)

    1. Thanks! And you can totally pull if off. If I can do it, anybody can!!

  2. Happy 3 sweetie!!!
    It looks like you did an amazing job Mom! :)

    1. Aww thanks! In hindsight, it came together nicely, but at the time it was a whirlwind of chaos!
