Currently {july twenty fifth}

this weeks themes:
watching, searching, missing, growing, ignoring

Sooooo... I'm a little late again.  Whoopsie.  Shit happens.  And around here it's flying everywhere!  At least I'm getting it done today.  Better late than never!

a) I have been watching my knits and purls.  I found an amazing slouchy beret pattern this week.  It's knitted flat, which I LOVE.  I haven't quite gotten the hang of knitting in-the-round yet so this pattern gives me the warm fuzzies in my belly.  Also I knitted one for Kaia for her 13th birthday (OH MY GAWD! SHE'S THIRTEEN!) in just a few hours.

So quick, so easy.  I ended up making another and then another.  The third was an experiment that was meant to be one for Rowan, but it was too small.  No problem as I have a friend with a 6 month old.  Except it was too small for her head too!  Haha!

b) We have these trees in our yard.  We call them stick trees.  They are tall and skinny and are good for nothing but sticks because inevitably half of the tree dies.  Usually the bottom half while the top is still green. I've been searching like crazy trying to figure out what kind of tree they actually are.  No luck yet.  I took a photo of one of the leaves (see above) to help identify them.  I have a possible match, but it's just not quite right.

c) I am missing the Summer!  While Neil is the only one entering high school, Kaia was asked to be a part of the marching band this year as well.  Monday began band camp and I had forgotten what it meant to get up so early every morning.  I plan on driving the kids to school this year so this gives me an opportunity to get our schedules figured out as far as wake up times and leave the house times.

d) My first little girl is growing up.  She turned 13 years old today.  I feel like she was just born.  Now she is in the official teenager zone.  How did this happen?!

e) I have been desperately trying to ignore my want of sodas.  Or, as we call them here, cokes.  They are so bad and so good at the same time.  It's such a struggle.  (Ok, clearly I had to stretch it on this one...)

Bonus! Reading:  Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

next weeks themes:
needing, listening, learning, jumping, building

Currently link up is hosted by Harvesting Kale and OT & ET.


  1. I keep thinking I want to take up knitting, but I don't have the patience to learn.

    1. It's actually much easier than I thought it would be! I learned from watching videos online.

  2. Love those hats! Awesome job. :-) I, too, don't think I could take up knitting. Tried as a teen and it never stuck.

    Aww, happy birthday to Kaia! And a hug to Mama. I can't imagine our 2-year-old being a teen but I know it'll happen faster than I'm ready for it. Good luck!

  3. I'm a huge crocheter but not so much knitting...I haven't taken the time to learn it yet but it's on my list. Your hats are great!

    1. Thanks! My mom can crochet and she tried to teach me when I was younger, but I could never get the hang of it. Oddly enough, she doesn't knit. :)

  4. I traded in Coke Zeros for stevia sweetened hippie sodas recently. I won't say it's the same because I wouldn't insult you with a lie... but I do feel like I'm drinking less chemicals and that's always a goal, right? And your hats are rad and your daughter's complexion is gorgeous.

    1. I do feel better about my vice when I drink ones that have all-natural ingredients. So it's a sort of win in my book! And thank you so much! I wish I'd had her complexion when I was 13!
