Sunday Lately | February 12th

Fighting | Colds, flu, ick. The youngest, Ro, missed school the first two days of the week because she has had a persistent cough that just sounds horrible. Luckily, she tested negative for both the flu and strep and was diagnosed with just an little upper respiratory infection. Tuesday night we got the call that the whole district was closing for the rest of the week because of illness.

Relaxing | Basically that's all we've been doing for the last five days. No school means we get to sleep in. Sleeping in means a 7am wake up instead of 5:45am.

Daydreaming | Looking forward to a vacation. Just a little time away that doesn't require a schedule to be followed.

Delivering | We delivered our oldest daughter to her last archery meet for the year on Saturday. Unless she is chosen to head to the state competition. This was her first year doing archery and I'm really proud of her. I can't wait to see how she will improve by next year.

Amusing | Honestly? Not too much this week has been amusing. However, every Friday there is a new Shirk Report from the Twisted Sifter. If you are ever having a bad week, this "report" is sure to put a huge smile on your face.

Reading | I have started Six of Crows again. I only made it a few pages in the first time I started reading so it isn't too much of a restart.

Watching | The Vampire Diaries. Another show that I'll miss, but I do think it's about time for it to end. I'm mad about Enzo though.

Works in Progress | The baby that I am making the garter rib blanket for was born this week so I think I better get busy finishing that project!!  I actually made some progress on my Afterthought Heel socks! They were kind of just sitting around for a couple of weeks because I was a bit intimidated with the heel. I was over thinking it. I have only made two other pair of socks, using a different pattern and yarn weight. The more I thought about it the more I realized I was being stupid and just needed to go for it!

The red row is where my heel will eventually go. I still have some issues, but I think those can be blocked out when I finally get them complete. I think the only way to avoid them in the future is just with more practice.

  1. Flax Sweater - started January 2016 
  2. Garter Rib Baby Blanket - started September 2016 
  3. Afterthought Heel Socks - started December 2016 
  4. Bunnyclava - started January 2017

1 comment

  1. I hope your youngest is feeling better. A school in my county had nearly 280 students absent in one day from either the stomach bug or strep. But unlike your district they didn't close. The school I work at has been fortunate and not very many kids have been out sick.
