Last day as a 3 year old!

This little smoochy poo is enjoying her last day as a three year old. I'm so amazed at how she grows each and every day. She is so matter-of-fact and has no problem telling you when you are wrong. She thinks everything that grows in the garden is hers to eat except for those jalapenos that she discovered (after I told her several times they were hot) were too hot to eat straight out of the garden.

She drinks most of my coffee every morning and gets super, old lady grumpy if I've drank it all before she gets up. She thought the fireworks on the 4th were amazing and also all for her. She knows all her colors, most of the alphabet song (that LMNOP gets her every time), and can already count to 10. Sometimes the 7, 8, and 9 come before the 3, 4, and 5, but she gets them all in there!  Loves hide and seek and will proudly announce to you where she is hiding after you say, "Here I come!"

This time next year she will be preparing to go to school and I won't know what to do with myself.

My blog hiatus wasn't quite as long as I expected. I just wanted to take some time, evaluate. Think about how I'd like for this to go. I changed up the layout, condensed some labels, just did some general cleaning.

There are just some times where I don't have anything to say. There are times when I have too much to say. I know "they" say you shouldn't have gaps in posting to keep your readership up. To be honest, I'm not really interested in how many page views I get every day. I just like to share what is happening in my tiny little corner of the universe.

So if you are still here, I thank you. If you are new here, I hope you'll stay. I am completely random and jacked up on coffee.


  1. Good to hear from you. She's gorgeous.

    1. Aww thanks! I think so too, but I'm a little biased!

  2. I'm glad you're back and sticking around. :-)

    And I can't believe she's 4!

    1. I can't believe it either! I really feel like she was just born yesterday!
