CURRENTLY :: July 19th

I love the Sunday Lately idea, but I noticed that I wouldn't always have prompts available for the next week. So I'm going to make a couple of changes and go back to doing Currently posts. I'm going to be using the same prompts every week. I think it will be easier. I like the idea of a post on Sundays to recap the week. I won't be hosting a link-up at this time, but I'd love to see others posts too so be sure to comment and leave your blog address!

The prompts I'll be using will be from the following:  doing, thinking, listening, reading, watching, eating, loving, weather, enjoying... I might not use every prompt every week and you don't have to either. Feel free to add new ones as well if they fit your week. I might just steal your prompts for my next week!

Doing:  Cleaning. I've been doing a lot of cleaning. Mostly it was that back room/laundry room. Completely cleaned out and empty now. I would like to pull our dining room table up from the basement and put it in there. Our actual dining room is a bed room now, but that's a whole different blog post.

Thinking:  I've been thinking about starting back up with my PostCrossing post card exchange. I haven't sent any cards out in almost a year. I didn't realize it had been so long and I'm kicking my own ass for being gone for so long. It's actually very fun.

Reading:  This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel. It is about a young Victor Frankenstein.

Watching:  The Whispers. It is crazy, but I can't stop watching. Also The Astronaut Wives Club. It's more about the clothes and decor and less about the astronauts. I usually avoid all things ABC because they seem to have a bad habit of cancelling shows that I really like, but these two are pretty good.

Eating:  Pesto. The basil plants in my garden are producing more than I would have ever imagined when I first planted them. NOT eating the jalapenos that we've canned because... holy shit Batman, these suckers are HOT, HOT, HOT. And we are overrun with them. I just canned six more jars on Thursday!

Loving:  PlayDoh. Rowan has discovered the joy of PlayDoh. It is partly my fault that she hasn't played with it in the past. It's kind of messy. So I've always avoided letting her play with it, but I've let her have what we had on hand this week. It's been hours, HOURS, of her sitting, playing, creating, and loving her PlayDoh.

Weather:  The beginning of the week was a little scary. Severe storms, hot and humid, flooding. We were so lucky in our half of Kentucky as we missed the major storms. I'm trying not to complain about the heat too much because I'm still trying to get over all the freakin' snow we had this past Winter.

Enjoying:  The air conditioner. With the temperatures being so hot and the humidity being so high, walking into a nice cool house is definitely a blessing. However, I am dreading what next months electric bill is going to look like.

Do you know what I like about a Currently post? I can work on it throughout the week. Like when I won the book giveaway. I realized I could add that into this post. Yeah, I think I'm going to like it this way.


  1. I hadn't watched The Whispers since, like, the second week, but I found myself watching it again last night and now I want to go back and get caught up. It was really intriguing!

    1. I have watched every episode, Karen. I still have no idea what is going on. Haha!
