Currently {May 30th}

Hey you guys! I swear I did not fall off the Earth. This week was the last week of school for my kids so we were sort of busy with that. Plus I've been knitting and reading and being kind of lazy.  So I'm sneaking in a Currently post before the week is over.

this week:
watching, dealing, losing, dreaming, committing

I'm watching Bones on Netflix right now.  I used to watch it all the time, but stopped for some reason that I don't even remember.  I'm trying to get as caught up as I can.

We are dealing with the "why" stage of Ro's life.  Why is the sun out?  Why is it cloudy?  Why do we go pee?  What is a butthole? (After her sister called her a butthole.)

I'm dreaming of harvesting veggies from our garden!  We finally got a decent little garden going and I go outside daily to see how much everything has grown.

I am trying to commit to reading more.  I am so behind on my challenge of 25 books. Can you believe that it's almost June!?!?

Reading:  I finished reading Witches of East End.  So different from the show, but still a good book.  I lucked out and found Prince Lestat at the library and was the first to check it out.  There is something oddly pleasing about being the first person to check out a new book.

next week:
reading, watching, listening, eating, enjoying

Currently link up is hosted by Kale + Beans and OT & ET.

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