Perfect Weather

This weekend was the most beautiful weather we've had all Summer.  Maybe it was because it was in the 70's.  Maybe it was because it felt Fall was arriving.  Maybe I feel this way because Fall is my favorite time of year.  Regardless, if I could have 365 more days of this weekends weather, it wouldn't come soon enough.

On Saturday I took the kids to the high school for the BCHS Home Show.  Marching band is FOR SERIOUS around here y'all.  Our high school band advances to state competition every single year.  The band director is amazing.  Not only does he teach high school band, but also middle school and 5th grade beginning band at two different elementary schools.

Butler County High School Marching Band - 2013 - The Art of Strategy

Both of my older kids are in the middle school band. Kaia plays the flute, Neil is my drummer. Last year, and again this year, the middle school played the National Anthem at the home band competition. Some in the crowd were confused because our middle school band looks like a high school band. They have a 210 member band this year!! That's more than the high school at only 130.  It may be that I'm a bit partial, but I thought they sounded excellent!  Best National Anthem ever.

Don't they sound awesome?!

Sunday was our 13th wedding anniversary.

9-15-2000 copy
September 15th, 2000

We didn't have a big wedding. We barely had a wedding at all to be honest. We just got up one day and decided we were going to go get married. We began dating in high school so we've been together for about 18 years. We spent our anniversary cleaning our house. Yep, that's how we roll.

This week the weather isn't going to be as cooperative as this weekend, but I have high hopes for next weekend.  Plus... only six more days until the Autumnal Equinox!

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