Here Forever

Earlier in the week, I met with my friend, Cam, to do a little hanging out.  We never fail to hit up Barnes & Noble.  I arrived a little before she did and managed to find a book about the history of the county where I live.

I discovered that the first elected judge of our county is buried in the cemetery across the road from my home.  I hadn't had the opportunity to look for him, but realized that yesterday's Photo a Day prompt from Fat Mum Slim was perfect for a trip to the cemetery.

I shared a version of this on Instagram, but every photo gets cropped to square. Not always the version of the photo you want people to see.  Yes, I laid down in the cemetery.  No, it's not the first time.  Cemeteries are interesting places.  Full of history.  I liked the contrast of old against the backdrop of the new.

I looked over all the headstones, but I was unable to find Judge Austin.  I'm currently looking into the history of the cemetery for that.  However there are several markers that are just stones like Mr. or Mrs. S.A. Carson above.  Most have nothing etched on them.

I plan on returning to purchase the book. I'm interested in knowing more about the history of the area. And finding Mr. Austin.

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