Turning Scraps into Something Useful

I bought a huge pack of Sharpies to use with my huge stack of postcards that I bought to use with my new Post Crossing membership.  If you haven't heard of Post Crossing, it's a postcard exchange project for people all over the world!  I've just signed up (there is a link in the sidebar!) and I've sent off my first 5 postcards.  I'm excited to receive my first postcard.

Anyway... I needed something to put all those Sharpies in.  Rolling around in the bottom of my bag wasn't working.  I decided to check out Etsy.  I had a bit of sticker shock.  The pouches I really liked were a bit more expensive than I would like them to be.  Changed my mind about buying one and got out my scrap fabric instead.

New pouches

New pouches

This pouch/clutch has 24 Sharpies in it!  I think he turned out decent.  I thought I could make one a little bit bigger with a zipper.



That was a fail.

New pouches

A fail because I COULD NOT figure out how to get the zipper in and make it look right.  I also tried out using a little hook and eye closure.  Meh...  I need to figure out how to do a zipper on the bigger pouch/clutch/bag.

A bit more practice and I might... might... try selling a few!

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