My Year Ahead Spread

I grew up with my mom reading her own tarot cards so I wasn't exactly new to them.  I'd never really gotten into doing them myself before, didn't have a deck of my own, but last year I saw a deck that absolutely screamed at me to buy them.  

They are so dreamy.  I have done a couple of readings, but still a total novice.  I just love to look at them.  So when I saw the creator sharing her "year ahead spread", I thought... why not?  If I want to learn, I have to just jump all in!

Year ahead spread with The Wild Unknown tarot deck
Excuse my quickly snapped, slightly blurry phone photo.  The thing about tarot is while all the cards have their own meanings, how you read them is open to interpretation.  Or at least, that's how I see it.

This spread has 13 cards.  Basically one for every month and an overall view of the year ahead.  

Right out of the gate, it looks like I may have some difficulties coming my way, but if I can find my way through them, it looks positive.  Especially creatively.  I love to sew and knit.  I kind of had a boost to my confidence when I read things that said to take action, not be afraid to begin, be confident, and find my inner warrior (thanks Chariot card!).

So here I come 2015.   I'm going to make it a good year.


  1. so neat!
    I'd love for you to read mine if we lived nearer each other!

    1. I have no idea what I'm doing!! Haha! But I would totally do it for you!
