I Did It!

After trying, without any success, I finally got my first successful "jumping" photo!  I have to give lots and lots of thanks to Beth for giving me a few tips on f-stops and shutter speeds and all that stuff that is speaking a foreign language to me.  She takes THE BEST photos.  Want an example?  Click here or here.  I consider her the originator of the "jumping" photo.  See here.

I will admit that it still needs some work.  I was just glad that I had a willing participant.

So this is my THANK YOU, BETH! for giving me a few pointers!  I plan to take more crazy jumping shots until I get them juuust right.

I'm adding this to the "Wordful Wednesday" linky over at Seven Clown Circus.  Find a photo that you love, but just can't seem to NOT talk about and join up!

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