Currently {April 30th}

I've been out of the currently game since... uh February?!  I'm not sure what I did in the month of March or most of the month of April, but I think it mostly included knitting and coffee.

this week:
trying, eating, wearing, going, making

Trying:  I've been trying to figure out what I had an allergic reaction to at the end of last week.  I suddenly had some raised bumps appear just on my neck.  They didn't itch, weren't red, or irritated, but I slowly began to feel them on one cheek, then my chin.  By Sunday morning I was concerned enough to head to the emergency room.  No, it wasn't an emergency, but 1) the bumps were spreading and 2) this ER is awesome.  I know that sounds ridiculous, but I have never been to any medical office where the employees were more friendly and helpful than at this hospital and to be quite honest, I didn't want to wait in a waiting room at my unfriendly doctor's office.  I was in and out of the ER in under an hour with a Claritin and some oral steroids and the bumps were gone the next day.  Bless it.

Eating:  Smaller portions.  I don't want to have any more pain self inflicted because I ate the wrong thing or too much of anything and make my gallbladder mad at me before I've visited the doctor about that too.  I'm falling apart people.

Wearing:  Dresses.  I recently got an amazing deal on a dress from eShakti.  They were having a 40% off sale and I had a $40 off coupon. Scored a dress for less than $30.
Find the dress here.
I love it!  It fits very well and the flare on the skirt is great plus...  pockets.  It has pockets!!  I'm always happy when the Sun makes it's appearance and the weather warms so I can wear more dresses.

Going:  Other than doctors and dentists, I'm not going too far.  Gas prices are sad.  So sad.

Making:  I'm very much wanting to start making a few dresses for myself and some peasant tops/dresses and pants for my youngest.  I just printed out some updated patterns this week.  Now I need to carve out some "me" time so I can be alone with my sewing machine.

Watching:  Just finished Netflixing the crap out of The 100.  I hadn't watched any of the show before and got completely sucked in.  I almost want to stop watching shows until the entire season is out so I can binge watch them instead.

Reading:  Ha... no.

Next week:
bringing, running, listening, creating, buying

Currently link up is hosted by Kale + Beans and OT & ET.


  1. Lovely dress and pockets always add value

    1. Right?! Why don't companies just automatically put pockets in every dress?

  2. That dress is so cute! I need to buy some dresses. I'm all about the skirts lately, but I would love a few cute dresses.

    1. As I've gotten older, I have definitely found a love of dresses. I used to hate them. You should check out eShakti when they are having their 40% off sale.
