Escape from Housecatraz

I escaped from my house today. It took me four tries to get out of my driveway, but I made it!  The kids were out of school for their sixth snow day in a row.  I'm not excited about the idea of when they will make up these days, but I also am not too excited about them being in a bus on these roads. Many of the main roads are fine and clear, but we are a fairly rural county and many of the back roads are still hazardous.

Having a little "nail surgery" done...
We had plenty of supplies, but our #firstworldproblem was that Kaia and I needed to get our nails re-did!  She's a chronic nail biter.  She got it from her mama (and a little from her dad too) and she's asked for a while to get fake nails.  I put it off for many reasons, mainly because she was too young (in my opinion) and that they aren't the best things in the world.  However, since she's finally starting to like things like dresses and make-up and is nearly in high school, I said we'd go get our nails done together.

First time there and she chose pink polish.  What?!?!  They were stupid cute, but since it was her first time having fingernails of any kind, she was pretty rough on them.  I'm still not sure what she did to a few of them, but I know her little sister broke one.  I teased her and picked at her for abusing the sacred nails.  All in good fun.  This time around she got black polish.  *facepalm*

Then...  this happened.
Waiting for them to dry AT THE SALON, I accidentally bumped my thumb.  Kaia laughed at me.  Said it was pay back.  Then....
Oh. My. Gawd.
I did it again to the other thumb!  Before I even left the nail place.  *double facepalm*  Kaia then teased me and picked on me for abusing the sacred nails.

Kaia - 1, Me - 0.


  1. Such a pretty color. I smug my like that every single time I do them lol

    1. Happens every time!! I don't know how some people make it out alive. Haha!

  2. That's a great color!

    I hate smudging my nails before I even leave the place. It makes me feel like my mani/pedi is cursed or something.

    1. Me too! And I'm too embarrassed to have them fix it!
