New News

Apparently it's not NEW news that Blogger has now introduced threading in their comments.  FINALLY.  However, I'm just now learning about it.  You can find the Blogger Buzz post about it right here.  Being able to reply to my vast amounts of comments is so awesome. *sarcasm*

Except... wait a minute...  IT'S NOT WORKING ON MY BLOG!!!!

I've done all the necessary do-dads to enable it, but still no dice.  One can only guess that it is due to my super awesome custom layout that I paid $$$ for.  The layout that I just tweaked here and twisted there for the new year.  The layout that I'm now going to have to abandon just so I can reply to comments.  ARGH!  Now I have to go and re-do everything.  I really like my drop-down menu, but I'm not sure how I'll be able to make it work.  Any suggestions, tips, or tricks?

In other news...

My son got a hair cut!!

I know it's not super interesting, but it's big news around here.  This is what his hair was looking like...

In all honesty, it was actually longer than this.  Although he is smiling in the hair cut photo, he is not happy.  He thought he was going to get to avoid the dreaded cut when both barber shops in town were closed on Saturday, but we were lucky enough to spot a shop, the Cut & Curl Beauty Parlor, that was open.  Nice lady too.  She did a much better job than the men at the barber shop usually do and she charged the same price.  Score!!

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