Halloween 2011

Halloween is my all time favorite holiday.  This year it completely snuck up on me and I didn't put up the first decoration.  Because of this I'm already planning what to do next year.

Since Rowan is only 4 months old, I didn't buy her a costume.  I could have, but she isn't going to remember and she couldn't eat any of the candy.  I did buy her a cute little long sleeve onesie with pumpkins that had "Baby's First Halloween" on the front.  I was beginning to feel a little bad about not buying that first costume until I saw a young couple with a baby who looked even younger than Rowan trick or treating... with the baby.  And only the baby.  ?????  I guess they are going to store that candy until next year??  I wanted to just tell them to go buy a damn bag of candy.  With the exception of a kid who attached himself to our merry little party, Halloween night went well.

Kaia Papaya decided she wanted to be a geisha this year.  Speciffically, Sayuri.  On hind sight I should have practiced on getting the correct make-up several days before.

Neil didn't dress up.  Neil didn't say trick or treat.  Mom was holding in tears.

Ro-baby was snuggled up next to daddy.

Our last stop of the evening?  The local funeral home.  Growing up I lived next door to a funeral home, but I never trick or treated there!

I would regret it forever if I didn't share a couple of photos with you...  First let me tell you that I did try to photograph a few girls who seem to have forgotten half of their clothing, but I had a flash that I may have been arrested for child porn if I did, so I skipped them.  They were clearly too old to be trick or treating and clearly too young to be wearing their hooker outfits in public.

Photo #1:
Oh no she didn't..... 

Photo #2:
Hey!!  It's the Duke boys!!  Thank goodness Mom wasn't dressed like Daisy.
Got to love the General Lee.

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