A Single Photo Unload {Plus a video!}

I've been clicking away with the camera(s), but haven't really had time to do much with the photos I've taken.  I'm still hoping for some cooler temps outside so we can take some real family photos.  It's just been way too hot to even attempt right now.  Which bums me out a bit, but hey, what'd ya gonna do?


Rowan is finally starting to keep her eyes open... occasionally. I wish I could get as much sleep as she does in a day! I'm planning on napping while she is napping once the older kids go back to school next week. Maybe I'll be more pleasant to be around once I'm getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep every 24 hours.

Here's a cute little video of her just chillin'. 'Cause that's pretty much all she can do right now! Enjoy!

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