

     noun -any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.

I have been so absent from the blog lately. Basically, I just haven't had much to say. I've been reading, knitting (for the shop!), gardening, adulting. I even recently was elected Secretary of the band boosters for the high school.  So much adulting.

Plus I'm currently looking for a "real" job. One with a paycheck. It isn't working out very well. When you have a 10 year gap on your resume, people tend to just toss it to the side.

With all that is swirling around in my life, I think it's just time to take a break. I need to focus more on my family. You'll still be able to find me floating around the interwebs. I still love Instagram and, of course, the love/hate relationship I have with Facebook. Also... Tumblr.

I'll be back eventually, but until then... I bid you a adieu.

1 comment

  1. I'm glad you aren't giving up social media entirely. I'll see you on Instagram!
