Currently {august twenty first}

this weeks themes:
calling, lighting, making, watching, planning

a) I haven't been calling much this week.  I don't do much talking on the phone in general.  I think I expended my phone call quota when I was a teenager.

b) Lighting?  Hmmm.  Actually I've been non-lighting.  The temps here have been soaring into the 90's with high humidity.  It's gross out there.  So I've actually been keeping all the curtains closed and keeping as much of the sun's heat blocked out.

c) I am making good on my plans to begin more exercising.  I've been walking every day and sticking with it.  This FitBit is a huge motivator.  I've even been drinking more water and I hate water.  The coolest thing is the sleep tracker.  Tells me how many times I'm awake at night and when I was asleep.

d) Watching:  Lost Girl on Netflix because I've never watched before on SyFy and what the hell was I thinking?!  I love it!  My husband is pissed about this new tablet because I've been chillin' in the bed with my earbuds in ignoring him and Netflixing.

e) I'm in the planning stages of a bathroom remodel.  I actually did some measuring yesterday.  It's a pretty small room so it won't be too pricey, but we are going to put in a window so... yeah.

Reading:  The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness.  This is the third book in this trilogy.  I guess I came a little late to the party because I just read A Discovery of Witches (2011) and Shadow of Night (2012) at the beginning of the year.  I read a lot of YA classified books so these were a nice departure.  I'm glad that I happened upon this one in the new addition section at the library.

next weeks themes:
needing, missing, reading, hoping, playing

Currently link up is hosted by Harvesting Kale and OT & ET.


  1. Oooh, a bathroom remodel! That sounds like fun, and also daunting!

  2. We've just got a much needed new bathroom, and there's still a bit of decorating to do, but it's so nice. I'm very interested in the idea of tracking my sleep. Not so sure I want to know how little activity I do though!

  3. Glad you're liking the Fitbit! I got the Nike Fuelband for my birthday last week and I love it so far - definitely a great motivator!

  4. I'm so with you on the phone thing! I can't believe I used to talk on the phone for HOURS as a teenager. I can barely handle five minutes these days!
