Currently {august eighth}

this weeks themes:
craving, cleaning, daydreaming, growing, reading

a) I guess maybe it's because of the school year starting that my subconscious has been poking me in the stomach hard for some Lucky Charms.  I usually try to avoid the more sugary cereals.  We stick to Cheerios, but for some reason I've been craving those little dehydrated marshmallows!  So much so that I bought a box and then hid them from the kids.  I'm a bad parent.  A bad parent with a full bowl of LUCKY CHARMS!

b) I have been on a cleaning tear around the house this week.  I'm planning on writing a little diddy about my cleaning schedule.  Handy that Pinterest is, I tell ya.  I've always been a list maker so having a set list of daily items to check off makes me feel... spessshul.  ("Special" for you spelling and grammar nazis, of which I am a card carrying member.  Except when I'm trying to convey my Southern-ness.)

c) Daydreaming about a completely renovated house.  More specifically, a renovated bathroom.  The current situation is no less than disturbing.  We get by, but I'm completely mortified if a guest asks to use the bathroom.  Paneling, peeling dark brown paint, duct tape... yes, duct tape.  You just can't make this shit up.

d) Seeing my kids before their first day of school, it finally hit me how much they are growing.  I can't get over how quickly the time has flown since I was gingerly walking them into their first elementary school classes.  Now they ask if they can just open the door, tuck, and roll so **I don't have to stop to let them out.

e) Reading:  Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth.  I don't know how I feel about this one yet.  I'm about half way through.  I'll reserve true judgement until I've read the whole thing.

Watching: Witches of East End.  Missed a couple of episodes and now that the kids are in school, toddler nap time means DVR time!

next weeks themes:
searching, wearing, needing, moving, eating

Currently link up is hosted by Harvesting Kale and OT & ET.

**I totally stopped to let them out.


  1. LOL @ Lucky Charms!!! And I'd say it's far better than sneaking, say, booze or something far worse. ;-) Can't wait to see your cleaning list. I need all the help I can get!

  2. That Lucky Charms thing totally cracks me up!

    It's crazy how fast kids grow up, isn't it? I've been seeing my friends' kids' back-to-school pictures and I just don't know where the time is going.

  3. I LOVE Lucky Charms, its so tasty and yummy. lol
    Oh my, your bathroom and whole house sound like ours. So in need of a whole remodel. The bathroom though is coming as soon as we can and get started. I am so excited.
    Lists are fun!! ;)
