The End is Near

How sad is it that I'm a 33 year old woman that is counting down the days until my kids are on Summer Break from school?  Twenty seven more days!  It's a good and a bad thing though.  Good because I won't have to do a lot of things and I'll have the kids here to help out around the house.  Bad because it's "end of year" crap.  Concerts, awards, banquets, field trips, etc.  It's like a never ending circle of going, going, going.  Starting with...

KMEA Band Festival at WKU's Van Meter Auditorium
Butler County schools have THE BEST bands.  Through two different festival competitions and three bands (high school band, middle school 7th & 8th grade band, and the 5th grade), they all received the highest rating of Distinguished.   We have two more 5th grade band concerts to attend before school is out.

Part of the 5th grade band receiving recognition at the school board meeting.
Neil with his basketball coach
Even though Neil is in 6th grade he was able to play on the 7th grade basketball team.  The 6th grade players don't get much playing time, but he enjoyed every minute.  Every minute sitting on the bench!  Ha!  Still he was part of a championship 7th grade team.  They only lost one game all season and swept the conference tournament.  It was our first basketball banquet, certainly not our last.

I'm not sure if anyone was aware or not, but Easter was a couple of weeks ago.  We were camping.  I finally got around to taking the baby's first Easter photos.  Last weekend.  Oops!  Glad she hadn't outgrown her outfit already.  I do want to take this opportunity to officially declare that I despise that tiny little 2 inch LCD screen on my camera.  It is so deceiving.  I may have gotten myself three good photos of the bazillion that I took.  I really, really need to take a class to teach me better photography skills.

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