Currently | January 8th

I kind of have a soft spot for my Currently posts. A little way to catch up, but sometimes the themes need to be changed up a little bit! So I'm going to integrate a little Sunday Lately themes with a few other bloggers.

Doing/Making | On my needles, a baby blanket that needs to be done by February and 1/4 of one sock. So what do I do... start on a new hat for Ro. Working on a new Bunnyclava because she lost her last one and hoping it will be big enough for her head.

Watching | Sleepy Hollow. I had to catch up on the second half of last season before the new season started on Friday. I'm not sure how I am feeling about the near complete cast change yet.

Eating | This week I am trying something new. Online food ordering. I wanted to do AmazonFresh, however, they do not service this area. I can still order non-refrigerated items with them and will probably do so once I get an Amazon Prime membership. A grocery chain, Kroger, does offer online ordering with curbside pick up. I am picking up the items later today, but I am writing this on Saturday evening so we'll see how it goes. The goal is to getting back AGAIN to meal planning and if I order online and don't set foot in the store, I'll be less likely to overspend on items that I don't really need, but look good and somehow end up in my cart before checkout.

Some recipes on my meal plan this week: Pesto Salmon and Fried Cabbage with Kielbasa

Appreciating | The little things. I spent many years being angry about needless things. It's very hard to get out of that mindset once you've become so used to it. I'm learning that J.K. Rowling was so correct when she wrote Dumbledore saying, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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