this week:
watching, dealing, losing, dreaming, committing
I'm watching Bones on Netflix right now. I used to watch it all the time, but stopped for some reason that I don't even remember. I'm trying to get as caught up as I can.
We are dealing with the "why" stage of Ro's life. Why is the sun out? Why is it cloudy? Why do we go pee? What is a butthole? (After her sister called her a butthole.)
I'm dreaming of harvesting veggies from our garden! We finally got a decent little garden going and I go outside daily to see how much everything has grown.
I am trying to commit to reading more. I am so behind on my challenge of 25 books. Can you believe that it's almost June!?!?
Reading: I finished reading Witches of East End. So different from the show, but still a good book. I lucked out and found Prince Lestat at the library and was the first to check it out. There is something oddly pleasing about being the first person to check out a new book.
next week:
reading, watching, listening, eating, enjoying
Ah, kid questions are so much fun!