Currently {june twenty seventh}

a)  I forgot to post yesterday.  The youngest is down with the sickness.  Again.  It's croup.  This is the fifth time she has had it in her short (almost) three years.  This was the first time I'd taken her to the doctor for it though.  I don't like giving the kids prescriptions and would rather use more natural ways to treat issues, but it was painful to watch/hear her struggle to breath at night and the coughing... oh it was bad.  So now I'm trying to learn/learning a way to get her to take the liquid steroid he prescribed.  Because it tastes like ass.  Not that I would know what an ass tastes like, I wouldn't.  I'm just guessing.  But after the first half a dose, she was adamant about it being yucky and I only managed to get half of a second dose into her before bed.  Just that little amount helped tremendously though and she was able to sleep all night with no coughing fits.

b)  I have been making clothes like a mad woman!  I haven't been sewing as much as I did when she was younger, but organizing that cabinet with all my fabric stash inspired me to sew a few things.  That and I couldn't for the life of me decide on a good knitting pattern.  Suggestions for patterns for both sewing and knitting are welcome at any time!  *hint, hint*

c)  Loving the recent weather!  It hasn't been quite as hot or humid these last few days.  Great weather for getting outside and making mud cookies.

d)  I just finished reading Under the Dome by Stephen King.  I haven't watched the show at all.  I still haven't decided if I will or not.  I was kind of disappointed with the ending.  I just kind of saw it as anticlimactic.  I don't want to give away any spoilers for anyone who hasn't read it or is currently watching the show because I HATE IT when people do that.  Like when you have DVR'd something and the next day all yo' Facebook friends are all...  "ERMAHGERD! JOFFERY DIED FROM POISON!  I LOVE THE PURPLE WEDDING!!!!"  and you are sitting there.... getting... pissed... because you haven't had the chance to watch it yet. So.... I won't say anything else about how this book ends.  Let's just go with it's out of this world.

e)  I have been smelling all the clean laundry!  I am putting the new washer through it's paces.  It's like heaven for a housewife.  All the things are truly clean and smell so much better.  The weather has been great for hanging the clothes to dry too.  So fresh and so clean, clean!

Currently link up is hosted by Harvesting Kale and OT & ET.

next weeks themes:
managing, missing, thinking, creating, looking


  1. I love to make clothes for my little ones. Wish I had more time to do it. Check out my Pinterest. I have a lot of things pined.

    1. Ooo, I will! I wish I'd done this more when my older kids were small.

  2. Maybe good that you've fund a smaller dose can be effective? I know what you mean about balancing a reluctance to use meds with the fact that often they do the job quickly. Anyway, hope you're all continuing to get sleep.

    1. It's only a teaspoon now. What she managed to get down definitely helped though...

  3. No patterns here! I suck. :-/ And soooo sorry to you and your little one for the sickness! Did they mention at-home nebulizer treatments instead? That's what we came home with the first time (and used the two additional times) our guy came down with it. Either way, just the sounds that cone with croup are enough to break a mama's heart! :-( Best wishes!

    1. That's what I thought would happen. Because that sounds much easier than trying to get her to take this horrible stuff. I know medicine as a whole usually doesn't taste great, but I would never prescribe this stuff to kids. It's beyond icky.

  4. Joffrey dies??

    J/K. That one was already spoiled for me...

    1. That's why I used it. It was spoiled for me too. But let's be honest... of all the unforeseen (I haven't read the books) deaths in this series, his was, by far, the best.

  5. I swear it felt like fall the other day... Made me all kinds of happy & twitchy for crunchy leaves.

    1. It did!! I thought that too and thought about how close we are to my favorite season... October! :)
