Another year is coming to a close. Every year I say the same thing... how? How did we get from January to December in the blink of an eye? A couple of years ago I set myself 52 goals for the year. That did not go very well. I think I was a bit too ambitious. This year I decided to make it a little smaller, more attainable. Thirty. Not too big, not too small.
Here is what I started with:
1. (a). Read 25 books.
(b). Ten of those 25 - Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles
2. See 5 movies in the theater.
4. Back up all photos to disc.
5. Visit a National Park.
8. Start a compost.
9. Create a living will and last will.
11. Eat supper at the dinner table at least once a week.
13. Rent a dumpster/clean out basement.
14. Clean out garage and carport.
15. Paint bedroom.
17. Get the chimney cleaned.
18. Buy new towels!
19. Refurb the bathroom.
20. Read to Rowan everyday before nap time.
23. Send out Christmas cards.
24. Begin an exercise program.
26. Focus on losing inches, not lbs.
27. Photo a Day project!
... ... ... Welp, I did make an effort!
I did manage to read 23 books this year. None of which were part of the Vampire Chronicles. I'm still kind of counting that one as a win. I did back up the majority of our photos to disc, but ran out of discs. So that one is about 75% done. Several of the other goals require money to accomplish and we had that unexpected job change early in the year that put quite a damper on projects and vacations.
2013 threw us a lot of curveballs. I plan to consciously make 2014 a better year. I'm going to start that compost, turn the large dog kennel into some type of greenhouse for herbs, have a successful garden!, and take a little time to stick our feet in the sand. Yes, the new year is going to be great. I'm going to make sure of it!
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