Let's Review Those Elusive Goals

Let's Review Those Elusive Goals

*sigh* Another year is coming to a close.  Every year I say the same thing... how?  How did we get from January to December in the blink of an eye?  A couple of years ago I set myself 52 goals for th…


Between all the running we've done for basketball games, basketball tournaments, and various Christmas dinners, I am completely over Christmas. I don't know what went wrong this year.  I jus…
Another Pinterest WIN!

Another Pinterest WIN!

More and more often I find myself going to Pinterest to find recipes.  I mean, is there anything better than Pinterest right now?  Seriously.  Need a recipe?  Pinterest.  Need to know how to clean so…
Kentucky Kicks Ass

Kentucky Kicks Ass

There is a link circulating around my Facebook friends that states 25 signs that you grew up in Kentucky .  I noticed a couple of interesting things while snickering my way through the list and commen…