But let's take a look at what I've been loving, cleaning, working, creating, and watching while I wasn't being a good blogger!
I have been loving watching my two year old grow! Every day she says a new word and I'm amazed. We've been working on using the potty for a couple of months. She's had a few bumps and spends the majority of her time naked, but she is doing great! At first, we purchased a Munchkin Deluxe Potty Seat at Toysrus that fits right on our toilet. It was working, but she was having a hard time making it all the way to the bathroom and up the stool. So I was doing A LOT of cleaning up pee. I did a little reading on helping her learn when she has to go then I decided to buy her a potty chair. There are some ridiculous chairs out there. I opted to buy the Safety 1st potty. It's basic, no frills. No built-in toilet paper holders. We placed it in the living room and... wow! What a difference! The span of time between realizing she's got to go and actually getting to the potty is pretty short so having her own little potty so close has been working well. She is so smart and independent. She will take her potty and dump it herself and put it right back in the base.
I have been working on more baby gifts for my friend. I can't say too much or post any photos yet because I want to surprise her. I'm really excited though. And not posting about it is driving me crazy!!
I bought my first Much Ado About You planner! I love it! Even the package it came in was too much cuteness!
I started watching Orange is the New Black this week. Totally addicted. I can't wait until the next season. I like it even more that it's on Netflix and I can veg out and watch the whole season in a week!
Currently is a weekly feature hosted by Randalin of Harvesting Kale and Lindsey of OT and ET.
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