Trying to change up my diet. I haven't had an annual check-up in a few years. I always forgot and then forgot again. I've had high cholesterol in the past and I should have been more vigilant in keeping up with my check-ups. When my husband lost his job in April, we lost our health insurance as well. We just couldn't afford the $1200 a month that COBRA coverage required. He began working at a new job just two weeks later, however, there was a 90 day waiting period before insurance eligibility. So I'm patiently waiting for that 90 day mark.
Wearing my pajamas. I wear them or just comfy sweatpants and tshirts WAY more than I should, but if I'm not leaving the house or expecting company, I'm going to be comfortable.
Choosing a different phone service package. We have to use a local phone co-op for service. We rarely use our home phone, but can't cancel that service without cancelling our internet as well so we had a nice little bundle package that included local phone service, several calling features, 150 long distance minutes and the middle of the road speed internet. We were paying (with taxes) $95 a month. Ridonkulous. We used a whopping 16 minutes of long distance last month. I called up the phone company and it looks like I can save about $20 a month by unbundling from that package. Yay!
Laughing at all the funny things Rowan does. She really is a little ham.
Tasting meatless vegetarian food. Recently Kaia, my oldest daughter, has decided to become a vegetarian. She's been at it for only a couple of weeks. I expected her to have a few slip ups. She's only had three. Once she forgot about her decision and ate a chicken wing, then it was a piece of bacon (who can resist right?), and then when she went to a 4th of July shindig with her grandparents she ate, I believe, a hot dog. I'm proud of her decision and wanted to encourage her better eating habits so I bought several Boca and Morning Star brand foods. Buffalo wings, grilled chicken for salads, burgers, and chicken patties. Every time I fix her some, I take a little taste test. So far, I've been impressed. Especially with the Boca burgers. If you didn't know they were veggie burgers, well... you wouldn't know!
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