We live about 10 hours from a beach, but we really, really wanted to get that sand in our toes. We took a chance, loaded everyone up, and headed to a nearby lake, Barren River Lake.
There are three beaches at the lake, but only two are open. We arrived early, set up our little area with beach towels, blanket, and umbrella. I think we were all in the water before the blanket hit the sand! The water temperature was absolutely perfect! Our littlest was fearless with the water. I had to watch her like a hawk. She had no problem just running out into the water.
We made sand castles. Or at least what passed as castles! Ro was very much into being at the lake. When it was time to go, she screamed. Like a two year old who is just learning what no means. I was surprised when no one called CPS. She was screaming that loudly. I think we were only a couple of miles down the road before she was completely conked out.
It wasn't the ocean. It wasn't white sand beaches. It was the best Sunday ever! I think we'll be going many more times before this Summer is over!
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