The Right Place, The Wrong Time

That's how I've been feeling lately except it's more of...  right time, wrong place.

This is the right time for me to actually write a blog post, but my head is in the wrong place.

Lately I feel like there is not enough time in the day.  For almost three weeks before taking our mini vacay, my hubs worked seven days a week.  Since returning, he's worked every day.  It throws me off kilter when we don't get a "real" weekend.  The days blur.

Today starts the first full week of school for my older kiddos.  So here I sit...

There are tons of things to be done, but I don't feel like doing them.  House cleaning stinks.

Guess I'll just leave you with this photo of Rowan from last night eating her first bowl of spaghetti.

You're welcome.

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