One project is the Project 366 which starts on January 9th. A great way to motivate me to take at least one photo every day. There are prompts to follow, but the best part is you don't have to use them unless you want too! You can find a link to the main link up page in my side bar. In addition to this photo project, I'm also doing the January photo a day on Instagram.
Another project is a list of 52 things/ideas that I want to get done in the upcoming year. I believe the first place I saw this idea was last year over at Handbags & Handguns. She had some great things on her list and I might just have to steal some of those ideas for my list for the year. This project is kind of a bunch of projects all rolled into one. Ahh... one beautiful little list! Let's get started!
- Read at least 25 books (that I've not read before!)
- Start an Etsy shop.
- Write in my journal daily. Make at least one line of each day about gratitude.
- Use my slow cooker to make a least one meal a week. This should help.
- See 5 movies in the theater.
- Plant a garden.
- Learn to knit.
- Save $500.
- Visit the beach.
- Take a family vacation to South Dakota.
- Cook something once a month that I've found through Pinterest and post about it.
- Hand write 3 letters to family/friends.
- Skype more!
- Spend less time on the internet.
- Floss, floss, floss!!!
- Get in the habit of washing and moisturizing my face every night before bed.
- Workout, walk, yoga, do something! Stay active.
- Get all of my photos backed up to discs from my external hard drive.
- Visit a National Park.
- Visit a State Park.
- Create a monthly cleaning plan. And implement it!
- Create a chore chart for each of the kids. Rewards through iTunes?
- Visit the hair dresser. More than once!
- Finally start on those quilts from old sports jerseys and favorite clothes for the kids.
- Paint my bedroom.
- Redecorate the dining room. (ie. paint walls, refinish table & chairs...)
- Go through clothes and donate what can't/won't be worn.
- Drink more water. In fact...
- Go at least 30 days without drinking sodas.
- Find time everyday to meditate.
- Start recycling.
- Start a compost pile.
- Re-pot all my indoor plants.
- Plant flowers/shrubs outside.
- Purchase Photoshop Elements.
- Purchase this camera lens.
- Purchase this flash.
- Sit down with the husband and create a will.
- Buy more US made products.
- Visit the library twice a month.
- Get a new tattoo.
- Have family snapshots printed on a monthly basis.
- Sit everyone down and take family photos at least 4 times.
- Have family game night once a week.
- Eat a salad twice a week.
- Have fish for lunch once a week.
- Clean up our yard.
- Build a fenced in area for our dog.
- Have the cats spayed/neutered.
- Get the fireplace operational.
- Buy all new towels. And cushy, big ones too!
- Teach the baby to sign.
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