My Life as Mom

My Life as Mom

When I was younger, I did not want to have any children.  Kids just weren't for me.  Of course I also thought that I'd probably not get married either!  Oh well best intentions and all. Now I …
New News

New News

Apparently it's not NEW news that Blogger has now introduced threading in their comments.  FINALLY.  However, I'm just now learning about it.  You can find the Blogger Buzz post about it righ…


I guess I should have thought through some of my goals for the year.  Having a goal of blogging more verses a goal of spending LESS time on the internet don't actually work well together.  The go…
Shut the Front Door

Shut the Front Door

Oh dear.  How can my Rowan possibly be six months old already! I have no words.
Projects, Projects

Projects, Projects

This is the year of "The Project" for me.  Photo projects, craft projects, "me" projects...  I plan on being busy, busy, busy. One project is the Project 366 which starts on Januar…
Hello New Year!

Hello New Year!

I never keep any resolutions.  Who does really?  NO ONE! But I need goals.  I need something to keep me on track.  I need a list.  You see I've always been a list maker.  I'm very obsessive c…