First photo!!
Rowan Elyse born July 7th, 2011 at 11:17am. She weighed 6 lbs. 14.3 ozs. and was 19.5 inches long.
I was really excited about being induced on Thursday. I had no idea it was going to go so super fast though! I have been having contractions off and on for a couple of weeks, but when I arrived at the hospital on Thursday morning I was only 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. It was better than starting from nothing, but I thought I would have been just a bit further along since my regular appointment on Tuesday.
By 7am, I was all hooked up to an IV getting hydrating fluids and Pitocin. By about 8:30am, my contractions were coming every 3 minutes and lasting about a minute each. The on-call doc from my doc's practice was impressed with my progress so she broke my water. The rest was such a whirlwind! My awesome L&D nurse, Tatiana, asked about my pain level and I told her I was fine, it was only around a 4-ish. Then, literally, five minutes later... I was asking where she was because the pain level drastically changed from a mere 4-ish to more of a 7-ish. That was about 10am. By 11am, I told them that if the doc didn't get there soon some one better be an All-American catcher! I was ever so happy to see his face when he walked in a couple of minutes later. I'm kind of glad that it went so quickly because it was much harder than I remembered. We are very fortunate to be happy and healthy.
Please overlook my super sexiness...
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