I Am Not Prepared

I Am Not Prepared

I am not prepared.  I really don't know where the time has gone.  My parents used to tell me that the older you get the faster the time goes.  I laughed them off.  Do you remember when the days w…
It's the Neverending Birthday...

It's the Neverending Birthday...

So yesterday was all about our trip to the aquarium.  We did other stuff before and after that too.  My Pop has been here since Rowan was born.  We didn't want him to leave, but he actually had t…
3 States, 618,000 Gallons, and 1 Otter

3 States, 618,000 Gallons, and 1 Otter

Today is Kaia Papaya's 10th birthday!  I can't believe she is already in the double digits!  Last year for her birthday we took a trip to the Louisville Zoo.  This year we decided on a road t…
Crazy Days of Summer | Week 8 | Motion

Crazy Days of Summer | Week 8 | Motion

I took these photos back in June.  Completely by accident actually.  I was trying to capture some lightning bugs for "Light" week, but wasn't having any luck.  I moved on to a fairly br…
Crazy Days of Summer Week 7: Critters

Crazy Days of Summer Week 7: Critters

Ok, here's the deal.  I'm not a fan of my photos this week.  I did them hurriedly and honestly without much thought.  I'm adding them to the pile just because I don't want to miss a w…
One Week

One Week

It's so hard to believe it's been a week since Rowan was born.  The time has flown by!  At her newborn check up, she had gained 5 ounces and is almost back to her birth weight, plus she'd…


I haven't had time to do much blog reading or writing.  I apologize.  The past 4 days have been a real blur for us.  I wish I had better photos for you, but I haven't really had time to break…
Crazy Days of Summer Week 6: Patriotism

Crazy Days of Summer Week 6: Patriotism

pa·tri·ot·ism:  love for or devotion to one's country This is the Merriam-Webster definition for patriotism.  I imagine it's quite accurate, though I think things like "LOL" and &quo…
Wonderful Wednesday: BREAKING NEWS!!

Wonderful Wednesday: BREAKING NEWS!!

Do you remember this image or post ? My little peace sign throwin' girl?!  Guess what?  She'll be here by FRIDAY (hopefully sooner!)!  At least, that's the plan anyway! At my regular check u…
A Look Back...

A Look Back...

As I sit here looking out my dining room window at the cloudy, overcast, threatening rain skies, I can't help but think back to last year's Independence Day celebrations. Every year for the p…
Crazy Days of Summer Week 5: Light

Crazy Days of Summer Week 5: Light

It's that time again!  Friday!  Woooo!  And it's a long weekend for most folks here in the good ol' US of A 'cause it's the 4th of July weekend!  It's also time for this week&…