Crazy Days of Summer Week 3: Water!

We've been spending tons of time outside this week. I originally had several things I had to do, but many of them ended up falling through, being rescheduled, or plans that just never got made. There is a good side to this though, we got to lounge around!

I came in at the end of last week's Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge so it kind of looks like I'm doing them back to back.  As hot as it's been all over the country this week, last week's theme and this week's them kind of go hand in hand.  I had a fun time trying to capture some water shots though.  Especially trying to keep my camera from getting all wet!

Another thing I'm struggling with... an old version (release date of 2002!) of Photoshop that I have.  I really am completely and utterly stupefied when it comes to something as technical as Photoshop.  I must break down and buy the newest version of PS Elements.  I think it would be easier and less stressful.  However, I'm super proud of myself for being able to figure out how to use the water template that Alicia shared.  You can find it here.

Coffeeshop Mocha Velvet B&W action, The Pioneer Woman's Sharpen THIS action

The challenge/linky is open until 11:59pm Wednesday.  Link up your photo(s) here.  Stop by the Summer Photo Challenge page for more details and to learn what next week's challenge will be!

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