It's Time for...

... guess what we did this weekend!  Oooo, I know you are so excited!  On a side note, I realized earlier while commenting  on another blog that I have an obsession with using exclamation points!  I really should seek a support group!!

Any hoo-zee...  Saturday was supposed to be mow the yard day.  Normally I love, love, love mowing the yard. It's like a great little place to go and gather your thoughts for 3 hours.  Well, it takes us 3 hours.  We have a big yard.  I usually complain about having to do it, but I seriously love making the yard look good.  The only thing better than a freshly mowed yard?  New shoes.  Nothing can beat a pair of new shoes, right ladies?  Well, instead of mowing in the morning, we went fishin'!  I didn't actually do any fishing, but I supervised quite nicely.  Catfish goes for around $5.99-$6.99 a pound at the local grocery, but we caught about 7 pounds for $15!  Score!

Sunday was Open House at my husband's job.  The kids (and me, too!) love when they do an open house because that means we get to take a tour inside the plant.  He's been working there for 6 years this July and this is only the 3rd time they've had an open house.  The company manufactures automotive frames for Ford, BMW, Nissan, and Mercedes.  It's a damn good bet to say that if you drive a newer model Ford F150 or a F250-450, your frame was manufactured in Bowling Green, Kentucky right here at...

Sorry, no inside the plant photos.  Not allowed to take photos.  That didn't stop me from trying to take some stealthy images though... except I forgot that my camera lens was on manual focus.  D'OH!  That's what I get for trying to sneak some peeks, right?

About 2 hours after our arrival, a storm moved in so we moved out!

We had to make a stop by good ol' Walmart to grab some stuff not available at our local stores.  I begged off the trials of navigating those aisles.  Instead I did this...

Took photos of the rain drops on the car windows and mirrors.  'Cause I mean, what else is there to do while waiting for your family?!

Tomorrow I'll share some photos of an old lock and dam along the Green River and the grounds around it.

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