On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we headed out to Barren River Lake to stay on my husbands' grandfather's houseboat. My dad and Chris did lots of fishing while I did lots of watching. Dad caught all the catfish; Kaia caught all the bluegill. I caught a sunburn. It was enjoyable and we are all looking forward to going back before school starts back.
Wednesday night we came home then turned around and headed out again on Thursday. Off to Jellystone Park we headed to relax a bit with some friends. Camping (cabin style), grilling, go cart riding, putt putt golf, and swimming. Would probably have been more enjoyable if the Screaming Mimi's had behaved themselves even an iota of the time while were there. They both suddenly turned into pubescent teenagers who could only roll their eyes and say, "wha-a-at ever"... I wanted to duct tape them to a tree, but thought that was probably not a good idea. This whole week has gone by so fast. Chris has to go back to the grind in the morning. I feel like we've barely spent anytime together, but we have been. We've done a lot of family "bonding" this past week.
I'm glad that I've had this time to think. It was the worst time for me to run out of my anti-anxiety medication, but I'm proud of my body's ability to keep itself calm. I was also glad to have Chris around to let me lean on him. He's the best husband, father, and friend. To my mom, I want you to know that you are not a burden to me. I do complain and sometimes I do get irritated, but providing for you is something that both Chris and I are proud that we have the means (all be it, not a lot of means) to be able to provide the things that you need. Never allow anyone to let you feel or think differently. You are my mother and while you may be bat shit insane, I love you.
Now... who's up for staying in some Wigwams??
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