Working Up To the Big Day

I thought I would be a little crafty this year and instead of making the regular peanut butter cookies I usually make, I made gingerbread cookies. I've never done gingerbread before so I was hoping everything would turn out ok.

We had gingerbread boys & gingerbread girls. Although the girls just looked like boys with baggy pants on... I didn't picture them here. I was proud of my awesome icing skills though...

Kaia helped me out and she insisted that we use all of the Christmas-y cookie cutters. This resulted in lots of candy canes and stockings. We also had "Frosty's" as she called them.

I do think they turned out well. They tasted great, but I thought they would be a darker color. I don't really care what they look like as long as they taste good.

Remember me telling you about the hair coloring??? While it does look better, it's really dark. I think I like it, but I'm just not sure yet. During the in-law's Christmas dinner last Saturday, I kept hearing how it was just sooooo much better than the pink. I happen to like the pink. I know that the last go around didn't turn out so well, but for the most part I didn't think it was that bad! But I guess it was because I kept hearing it that it was... here is the new me.

*bowing*... Thank you...Thank you... yes, it's lovely...

Jeep Chick
rang me up and said, "Help!" So I said, "Ok!" Last minute X-mas shopping is a bitch when you have to take your children with you so I got to keep watch over Barbie Jeep and Wrangler for a little while so she could brave the insaneness that is holiday shopping. Kaia took over my very own DS game that Jeep Chick got for me and she wasn't handing it over...

I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures while they were here. I then took the opportunity to add stickers and make the already cutie patooie Barbie Jeep that much more FABULOUS!

As soon as she is old enough to pick up something heavy... she will kill me for this!


My dad is going to be here for a few more days so I'm going to leave you for the day. I'll try to get some pictures posted of Christmas day ASAP. I hope everyone had a great day!

Oh.. and no recipe this week... it's too busy to actually cook right now anyway! Just pick up some of that leftover ham and nuke it in the microwave!

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