Goooooood  Morrrrrrrning VietBlog!

Goooooood Morrrrrrrning VietBlog!

We had such a quick weekend that I'm not sure we even had one.  Basketball games, shopping, this & that, plus we did a little rearranging of our living room.  Actually, my husband and son did…
Snow, snow... go away!

Snow, snow... go away!

I'm so very, very tired of snow.  It has snowed here, yet again.  We've received about 4.5 inches of the crap.  My children are NEVER going to get out of school for Summer break.  I think thi…
Days Twenty Three & Twenty Four - Project 365

Days Twenty Three & Twenty Four - Project 365

It's no surprise that I've already missed a day while doing this whole Project 365.  I completely forgot to take a photo on the 22nd.  It was a Saturday and I don't really remember what w…
Days Nineteen thru Twenty One - Project 365

Days Nineteen thru Twenty One - Project 365

Day 21 - A blanket of snow. Day 20 - Let it snow, let it snow, let it please be Summer already! Day 19 - Kaia's version of a Play-Doh Mickey Mouse.
My Regional Dialect Meme Video!

My Regional Dialect Meme Video!

I came across an interesting (and mostly fun) blog post yesterday at Little Chief Honeybee .  There is a regional dialect meme circulating around Tumblr and the web.  You just record yourself saying a…
Day Eighteen - Project 365

Day Eighteen - Project 365

Day 18 - Rainy day trip to the doctor’s office. And speaking of doctor's office... No ultrasound at this visit. The promise of an ultrasound was given though at the next appointment. Hopefully …
Day Sixteen & Seventeen - Project 365

Day Sixteen & Seventeen - Project 365

Day 16 - Strawberry and blueberry muffins to snack on! Day 17 - Chris and Neil went to the grocery store and Neil bought me a giant pickle.
Day Fifteen - Project 365

Day Fifteen - Project 365

Kaia said, "Look, this looks like Buddha meditating." She makes me so proud.
Day Thirteen & Fourteen - Project 365

Day Thirteen & Fourteen - Project 365

Little birdie footprints in the snow. Watering my thirsty plants.
Day Twelve - Project 365

Day Twelve - Project 365

Soaking in a nice hot bath on a day when the high is only 24F.
Day Ten & Eleven - Project 365

Day Ten & Eleven - Project 365

Firstly let me bid a fond farewell to the follower who has escaped decided to not be one of my minions.  I will miss you. Next up... Photos! My son's awesomely cool morning hair.  He hates getting …
Days Eight & Nine - Project 365

Days Eight & Nine - Project 365

Just a lazy Saturday afternoon watching " Labyrinth ". Driving down the highway, steam from the coal-fired Paradise fossil plant . Make sure you come back tomorrow for Tuesday Tunes to hear John…
Day Seven - Project 365

Day Seven - Project 365

Snow day number 4,815,162,342... Not that many really, but great googly moogly, the grass is barely covered with snow and the road is fairly clear. Mind you, it's untreated. Really I'm jus…
Second Trimester!!

Second Trimester!!

I am : 13 weeks, 1 day Weight :  Original weight 128, last visit to doctor = 126 Belly button status : In Cravings/Aversions :  Nothing new.  Haven't really had too many aversions. Miscellanea :  Startin…
Day Six - Project 365

Day Six - Project 365

There I was standing at my back door in my pj's, wrapped up in a throw cover from the living room, waving bye as my kids got on the bus this morning.  As I came back inside, I could have sworn I …
Day Five - Project 365

Day Five - Project 365

My new reusable coffee mug! $5 at Wal-Mart, dishwasher and microwave safe, and BPA free.
Day Four - Project 365

Day Four - Project 365

As much as I'd love to have an e-reader, there is nothing better than your local public library.
Day Three

Day Three

Day three means that it's back to "real life".  Both Chris and the kids have gone back to school/work and I've gone back to my jobs as well.  Today that meant... boo... laundry.


We (our family) are in desperate need of new family photos.  I made a gross error on Saturday.  I had gone outside with a rather large hoodie on, saw the sun shining down on me, and said, "It…
Day 2

Day 2

My new journal! It's a new year so I had to get a new journal.  This one was definitely NOT my first choice, but I honestly didn't feel like driving 35 miles just to go to Barnes & Noble t…
A Year of Me!

A Year of Me!

What's this?  Two posts in one day?  You're damn right! I'm loosely making a few resolutions for the upcoming year.  One is that I have to stick to a low cholesterol diet that I'm sup…